Thursday, February 1, 2007

Love God's Way

On January the 24th I went to a Jeff Tweedy concert. In between his songs, he spoke of a critic who called him surly, a baby-arm-sized turd his son made during their vacation, and amognst other things, that Wilco had made it onto a list of gay bands.

After the concert I was curious to see this list. I discovered it on Love God's Way, a website supposedly run by Donnie Davies, a musician who claims that he's a reformed homosexual. The site, or ministry as he calls it, claims that through his C. H. O. P. S. (Changing Homosexuals into Ordinary People) a gay person can become straigt again and loved by god. Details of the C. H. O. P. S. program have yet to be released, but Davies says in a video on YouTube that they soon will.

Judging by the nature of Davies (and the use of a jib in the YouTube video) it's highly suspected that he is a fraud and the whole thing is an elaborate hoax. Even so, Davies has stirred much controversy not just over his anti-gay messages, but that major media outlets like Google and MySpace have apparently censored his videos (even though his videos are on YouTube which is owned by Google.) More interesting is that Wikipedia has prevented an article on Davies himself from being re-created, even though the man has been spotlighted by Spin magazine's website and many other blogs.

Though Davies might speak against private internet entities censoring his work, none of them have censored the works of the real deal: Fred Phelps. There is nothing fake about this man and the followers from his Westboro Baptist Church who go to such lengths as protesting at military funerals, holding up "God Hates Fags", "God Hates America", and "Fag Troops" signs. The church operates several websites...

'Priests rape boys' is an air-tight, three
word case against the Catholic church.

Illustration credit: C.D.2006